Magic Prague booking I ve stalled on this It s not so much a book as an organized obsession and in that respect it reminds me of those old timey encyclopedic behemoths like The Anatomy of Melancholy or Finnegans Wake that many people start but no sane reader ever finishes Magic Prague is the work of a scholarly magpie who stuffs his book with all sorts of curious lore about Czech culture Czech writers deranged Czech kings Czechs than a welfare office at the end of the month sorry sorry.
Magic Prague pdf reader My problem is I can t get that worked up about my own beloved city let alone some Mitteleuropean burg I associate with that cheese eating Ethan Hawke and all those cheese eating twits back in the 90s who headed there to write novels and sell contraband Levi s or whatever remember those people Jerks At least one or two GR reviewers try to give the impression that they ve actually read The Anatomy of Melancholy They are liars I don t know them but they re liars Big fat ones.
Magic praguemun List of people I ve gratuitously slagged in this review Robert Burton James JoyceAngelo Maria RipellinoThe entire Czech nationWelfare recipientsEthan Hawke90s ex patsRandom GR membersFat peopleList of people I ve presumably pleased with this review Uma Thurman Angelo Maria Ripellino Ripellino was a poet Slavicist translator of the great Russian Symbolists and Silver Agers Bely s Petersburg into Italian A transmutation as heroic as any of Ulysses I hear tell and a servant of Czech letters whose devotion extended in one instance to the patient chaperoning of V ra Linhartov during her cognac confused dipsomaniacal descent on Rome Ripellino lived in Prague for some years after WWII became a student of its various hauntings and urban demonology its lugubrious aura of decay smirk of eternal disillusionment and married a Czech woman Denied visas after the Soviet crackdown in 1968 he joined the migr s in a sympathetic semi exile and under an exilic gloom compounded of ill health and nostalgia despair and second thoughts composed Magic Prague wistful anatomy elegiac bricolage itinerary of the wondrous How then can I write an exhaustive well ordered treatise like a detached and haughty scholar suppressing my uneasiness my restlessness with a rigor mortis of methodology and the fruitless discussions of disheartened formalists No I will weave a capricious book an agglomeration of wonders anecdotes eccentric acts brief intermezzos and mad encores and I will be gratified if in contrast to so much of the printed flotsam and jetsam surrounding us it is not dominated by boredom I will fill these pages with scraps of pictures and daguerreotypes old etchings prints purloined from the bottoms of chests r clames illustrations out of old periodicals horoscopes passages from books on alchemy and travel books printed in Gothic script undated ghost stories album leaves and keys to dreams curios of a vanished culture.
Magic Prague kindle store That Magic Prague is consistently passionate that Ripellino never succumbs to boredom is remarkable when one considers that most of the book is devoted not to Kafka or Ha ek or Apollinaire subjects of inherent interest but to a vast corpus of forgotten crap an unread library of mawkish novelettes harboring all the lachrymose resources of the nineteenth century all the hackneyed devices and trite horrors of late Romanticism Some titles Spawn of Satan The Crucified Woman The Cremator Ripellino boldly gambled that his summaries of Prague horror tale kitsch would be fun to read and profound He s obsessed with the mutation of motifs the process by which Prague s traumatic and macabre history like St Petersburg s gave rise to a demonic mythos the golem legends rabbinic esoterica alchemist cabals fabled dungeon languishers and eerily ecstatic religious statuary the brooding self sequestered princes the closed caste of intermarried executioners the monsters and infernalia storied massacres and famous ghosts that thrilled and nourished the Gothic romancers of middle Europe as well as their assorted twentieth century progeny Decadents excited by infamy and decay Surrealist students of obscenity a duo of Dadaist clowns The Romantic agony is just one thematic cluster one path through Magic Prague but the morbidity of the nineteenth century occasions I think Ripellino s most compelling insights into the way memory emerges from history culture from circumstance writing from life In a representative passage Ripellino examines the literary figuration of the Baroque churches and statuary propagandistically imposed on Prague by the forces of Catholic reaction after the Thirty Years War Lvovic ze Kar sek transformed every church into a melancholy Panoptikum dwelling on the decay of the altar flowers the languor of the statues outlined by garments of glossy creased silk the infirm penumbra of the sanctuaries and the White Mountain dirges When the Decadents used churches to exalt the corruption of the flesh the ecstasy of martyrdom and the rapture of sainthood they were simply indulging in a predilection for the Baroque a Prague constant Kar sek painted the mystery of Prague s sanctuaries in even bleaker colors in the novel Gothick du e A Gothic Soul The hero the last scion of a noble line with a long history of insanity is a Rudolf like hypochondriac Fearing he too will go mad he does in the end and dies in a mental hospital he retreats into solitude his greatest delights the smell of incense and wilted flowers the sight of glass coffins containing embalmed cadavers atop the altars He also feels drawn to the Barnabites or Discalced Carmelites who live like moles in the darkness of mystical reclusion Their lugubrious cloister near the Castle was shrouded in wildly imaginative legends People said that before taking vows each novice had to remove the ring from the shriveled hand of the terrifying mummy of the Blessed Electa at midnight During mass the faithful heard the chanting voices of those buried alive coming from the bowels of the church and saw the flickering of troubled eyes behind its rusty gratings The altars rose like shapeless catafalques Only the main altar covered with candles beneath the image of St Theresa fervent in her devotion to Christ shone like a great pyramid of liquefied gold glowed like an immense castrum doloris The church deranges the Gothic Soul it drives him mad The by then jejune motif of the haunted basilica acquires new vigor in the myth of a lifeless funereal Prague Angelo Maria Ripellino great tell of a city i went with this book to discover the mysteries of Prague just there were so many tourist around but the book is just beautifull Angelo Maria Ripellino Praga Praga citt dell inconscio di un passato che si riflette incrinato su una scheggia di specchio Chi sei tu che mi hai riportato indietro nel tempo Un Poeta Un Affabulatore O un mantello che mi copre nella notte e mi protegge da questo freddo bastardo che mi entra nelle ossa Golem dannato ti maledico ti bramo in un turbine le acque scure della Moldava mi sommergono Son solo parole Si No un suono di carillon che mi lacera che mi protegge Angelo Maria Ripellino KAMPAAncor oggi ogni notte alle cinque Franz Kafka ritorna a via Celetn Zeltnergasse a casa sua con bombetta vestito di nero Ancor oggi ogni notte Jaroslav Ha ek in qualche taverna proclama ai compagni di gozzoviglia che il radicalismo dannoso e che il sano progresso si pu raggiungere solo nell obbedienza Praga vive ancora nel segno di questi due scrittori che meglio di altri hanno espresso la sua condanna senza rimedio e perci il suo malessere il suo malu i ripieghi della sua astuzia la sua finzione la sua ironia carceraria.
Magic Prague epubor Il bel libro di Ripellino avrebbe potuto essere magnifico accompagnamento ottima guida Ma le cose sono andate che l ho iniziato prima di arrivare poi abbandonato per godermi la citt in modo diretto e totale ripreso e finito una volta tornato a casa Per coltivare e cullare i ricordi.
Book Magic prague spring Anch io ho la certezza di avervi abitato in altre epoche da secoli cammino per la citt vltavina mi mescolo alle moltitudine arranco gironzolo annuso tanfo di birra di fumo di treni di melma fluviale.
Book Magic prague czech Nomi celebri e altri meno letterati poeti pittori illustratori scultori musicisti architetti tutti radunati nella Starom stsk n m st la piazza della citt vecchia sotto l orologio che si anima ogni ora e la statua dello scheletro vince sulle altre conquistava sempre la mia attenzione Ripellino affianca questa bella e vasta compagnia con numerosi convitati che possono essere re eroi o santi distillatori negromanti maghi alchimisti o astrologi poveracci ubriaconi miserabili o manigoldi streghe puttane viaggiatori e viandanti rabbini e gesuiti aut mati e fantasmi.
PDF Magic prague castle Serve cultura enciclopedica grande a per l argomento e talento narrativo per mettere insieme un libro come questo guida mappa zibaldone saggio romanzo Cos non lo so Mi pare esperienza unica.
Magic Prague epub file Non avr fine la fascinazione la vita di Praga Svaniranno in un baratro i persecutori i monatti Ed io forse vi ritorner Certo che vi ritorner In una bettola di Mala Strana ombre della mia giovinezza stappate una bottiglia di M ln k Andr a Praga al cabaret Viola a recitare i miei versi Vi porter i miei nipoti i miei figli le donne che ho amato i miei amici i miei genitori risorti tutti i miei morti Praga non ci daremo per vinti Fatti forza resisti Non ci resta altro che percorrere insieme il lunghissimo chapliniano cammino della speranza.
EPub Magic prague spring Franti ek Tich Paganini Angelo Maria Ripellino
A fascinating tour into the gloomy nevertheless misteriously shimmering taste of the famous bohemian town Diving deep into the creepy creations of alchemists and exoteric wizards visions the book enchants and hipnotizes the reader The language is arcaic but affordable for everybody the style is magnetic the images unforgettable talking heads living puppets long forgotten noblemen caught in their ravings animated wax dummies spooky iron robots and many other flashing Prague humus rooted scenery inventions A conception for dusty lovely minds A true masterpiece Angelo Maria Ripellino In un italiano baroccheggiante ma anche gotico e per giunta flamboyant che sembra gi esso stesso un omaggio all architettura praghese Ripellino scrisse questo ritratto della citt Boema che spazia dalla letteratura alla musica all arte visiva all architettura Dai fasti della Praga Rodolfiana capitale dell Impero Asburgico al suo lento continuo declino inesorabile a partire dalla sconfitta boema nella battaglia della Montagna Bianca fino a diventare periferia dell Impero Sovietico Un viaggio magico nella storia e nella cultura praghese coi suoi miti alchemici con i suoi Santi e martiri con le sue storie tramandate e trasfigurate nella letteratura e nella leggenda Incontriamo Kafka e Josef K che attraversa il Ponte Carlo tra i suoi due anonimi accompagnatori verso il patibolo l agronomo K nelle bettole alle pendici del Castello e poi Hasek ed il suo Svejk che magari percorre lo stesso ponte facendo la strada inversa ed ancora il Rabbi Loewe svariati Golem alchimisti famosi come Dee Kelley Sendivogius l Arcimboldo Apollinaire ed ancora Hrabal Meyerink Kapeck il boia Piperger Cosa volere da un viaggio quale un buon libro dovrebbe essere sempre pi di questo Riletto a distanza di diversi anni mantiene intatto il suo fascino Un libro cult per me Angelo Maria Ripellino A crazy all over book about or about the historical inner life almost secret life of a city steeped in mystery and weirdness and streets as knotted as the syntax of this sentence The author was obviously completely smitten with the city or let s just say totally obsessed and built a book filled with literay allusions myths histories and descriptions out of his obsessions and packratty scholarly nature It s one of those books conveniently presented in short chapters like little chunks so you can pick it up and start reading anywhere and feel no need to actually finish It s as labyrinthine as Prague itself or at least the Prague in my imagination as I ve never been there Angelo Maria Ripellino There s no doubt that Prague the Prague that I imagine anyway has had a strong influence on my writing I count Kafka Meyrink and Rilke all of whom had differing strength of association with the ancient city among my favorite writers Twelve years ago another writer friend of mine did a review of this book Magic Prague in which he praised the book to the point of hyperbole I had looked for a used copy of this book for some time but the book s price precluded me from buying a copy Then in a moment of lucidity I thought to check the local library system ours is very very good incidentally and found the book available Boy am I glad I didn t buy this book without having read it first Granted my expectations were high given the effusive praise heaped on it by some people whose opinions I really value Perhaps this combined with the long time I have anticipated reading it is why I feel so disappointed in it.
Book Magic prague czech At least Ripellino acknowledges that the book is a mess Ladies and gentlemen this is not a Baedeker although many vdute of the city on the Vltava appear with it clicking into place like the colour slides of a ViewMaster or a Guckkasten I will not play the know all companion who disgorges half baked words like the pedant dottore in the commedia dell arte.
Magic Prague epubor This compendium of Prague related obiter dicta is incoherent and confused written in uncertainty and poor health with despair and constant second thoughts with the infinite regret of not knowing everything of not embracing everything because a city even if only the setting for a fond flanerie is a terrible elusive highly complex entity This is why my narrative will lurch along like the old films they used to show at the Bio Ponrepo Prague s first cinema located in The Blue Pike santan It will be flawed with breaks and jolts and gaps and attacks of heartache like the music of Charlie Parker s alto sax On the other hand as Holan states Have you no contradictions You have no possibilities.
Kindle Magic prague I would like to say thus begins Ripellino s stupendous and stupefying work but this quote is from Chapter 7 The preceding six chapters thankfully only 17 pages is a running stream of consciousness narrative meant to show the reader just how smart and cool Ripellino is for having spent time in Prague with his academic friends While I appreciate Ripellino s candor I would have preferred the book open with his disclaimer rather than burying it behind an almost impossible to follow stew of pompous self indulgent reminisces.
Magic Prague pdfescape Worse yet is Ripellino s lack of academic rigor which he skillfully hides behind a literary sleight of hand by failing to document key suppositions For example in his flippant analysis of Capek s pilgrim he claims not only that The fact that the Capek brothers inclined as they were to see a great mystery in every green plant substitute nature for the city makes no substantial difference but he goes on to ascertain that This character the pilgrim Tulak is not merely a variant of the pilgrim it belongs to the type of wanderer and evil loner patterned after the bosyak of Jack London and Maxim Gorky .
Magic Prague kindle cloud This is the sort of thing that frankly pissed me off in graduate school high falutin generalities couched in obtuse language with no support Argh When Ripellino does actually propose something akin to a thesis his scholarship is often sloppy at best For instance this sentence makes me want to rip my hair out Although primarily a variation on the wayfarer figure so dear to the Romantics the pilgrim wandering through the nocturnal landscapes of the Poet Karel Hynek Macha also manifests a Prague like ambivalence and imperfection.
PDF Magic prague weather Prague like As if no other city can manifest ambivalence and imperfection For that matter what outside of the Christian ideal of God can not manifest ambivalence and imperfection Playing loose and free with these words in regards to one s thesis is lazy even neglectful And we wonder why serious studies of the humanities are mocked by the uneducated Of course those in the ivory tower will argue the uninitiated don t understand Well perhaps this is because the arguments presented are not understandable Pile it higher and Deeper indeed That s not to say that Magic Prague is without worth Ripellino is at his best when he avoids unfounded supposition and sticks to verifiable fact as in the excellent segment on the borderline mass insanity of the Rudolfine era replete with sorcerers political paranoids and a dark pall that lingers over Prague s environs and people Even in his section on Rudolf however Ripellino engages in the exact chicanery the nonsense of which he accuses the charlatans of Rudolf s age by shamelessly imposing his embellishments on historical fact Referring to Rudolf s bizarre collection of bric a brac Ripellino states Yet the immobility the immutability was only apparent The dead objects were relentlessly sinister They glowered at him from their cages like animals in ambush and the ones he looked at too often took on his features mirrored his hypochondria.
Magic Prague ebookee A change of climate does wonders for hypochondriacs it fortifies the brain cleanses the nerve fluid and rectifies the enzymes as well as the bodily fluids Yet Rudolf is unable to escape the objects holding him captive He returns to them at night in the dark glow of large candelabra And behold he turns into one of the men objects of Bracelli s bizzarrie whose bodies are made of sections of boxes for concealing goblets gems and necklaces The frog like creak of the cabinets the gleam of the crystal and amulets the sanctimonious idiocy of the abinzoar the fearful eyes of the portraits the oily sheen of the fabrics the whisper of the stones interest him far than affairs of state In that huaca storeroom in that Traumland of fetishes he deciphers the mysteries of the universe as from cucurbits and horoscopes.
PDF Magic prague spring Where oh where is the academic integrity A book with 42 pages of endnotes should show some academic integrity should it not The sinister deed here is not perpetrated by Rudolf s possesions it is Ripellino s alone.
Kindle Magic prague One bright spot the section on Golems and other automata though punctuated as always by Ripellino s seemingly insatiable ego is fascinating It convincingly connects Rabbi Loew s Golem to Capek s Robot In fact I d go so far as to say that any serious student of the history of speculative fiction should read this section of the book Were I to teach such a class this would be required reading.
Magic praguemun The rest of the book while loaded with good information leaves the reader empty Maybe this is what Ripellino wanted to have the reader feel as forlorn as the city he characterizes as ambivalent and imperfect full of ghosts and charlatans As he puts it Prague was invaded by hordes of swindlers quacks and ointment makers all mumbo jumbo and magic mirrors A sizable number of adventurers struck it rich boasting expertise in making mercury fly and sulphur gleam and then bolted that is if ill fortune did not first hurl them into the Caucasion depths of the White Tower or hang them in their gold sequins from a gilt noose And just as the clown s grin can turn into an outcast s grimace so the other side of the alchemist s vulgar mask is mourning and grief.
Magic Prague kindle books This paragraph reflects my thoughts on Ripellino s work exactly And thus I pronounce sentence on the charlatan Rippelino 2 stars saved from 1 star only by the subject itself Angelo Maria Ripellino I may be overreacting or hung over or just mesmerized to have found a 5 crown piece on my table last night and where did it come from Where is it going but this non novel non poem non travelogue was most likely the best book I read in 2011 and about two hours of 2012 Why First of all because like all great books it so utterly defies paraphrase that me telling you what it s about would only transform me into a bloated red nosed over classifying fool as ridiculous as any of Shvejk s pencil pushing Hapsburgs Second because like an intricate sonnet or blithering centurian monologue Ripellino s lifework communicates passion above all else for Prague for art and for the Czechs It s a multiple Kleenex box weepathon criticism as opera meaning as text plus song plus gigantic Christmas tree whose oversized baubles look perfect even from the cheap seats What did I think Jesus goodreads I thought this is rich this is fine a true testament to transformation and endurance A book that showed me like few others I ve ever read what it feels like to be in love and to follow that love through whatever labyrinths it demands Say but with a city and I ll slap you Angelo Maria Ripellino This unusual distinctive book is a glowing theatrical blend of history travelogue fictional sketch art and literary criticism and personal essay Angelo Ripellino goes beyond the tourist clich of Prague and brings out the mystery ambiguity gloom lethargy and hidden fascination of the city of the Vltava He uses melodrama and ghost stories as well as tales from the enchanted road and the risqu barroom to relate the sorcery of the Bohemian capital in a wonderful mix of fact and fiction As the book opens Kafka and Hasek are still stalking the streets of the Old Town In the second section we are in the seventeenth century with its emphasis on the occult Traveling on we move through Prague s bordellos theaters ghetto alchemists laboratories and caf s accompanied by Rudolph II Apollinaire and Czech dadaists The result of this imaginary guided tour is a deeper knowledge of the city than any ordinary guidebook can provide as well as an exhilarating introduction to Czech culture Magic Prague.,
Kindle Magic prague spring
Teacher of Italian author of poems essays and short stories and poetry lover of dialect especially Pascarella and Meli and Vincenza Trizzino originally from Bivona, Kindle Magic prague weather Cos si presenta Praga nelle parole di Angelo Maria Ripellino l incipit del libro. Magic Prague kindle direct Nell anno in cui ho letto il bel libro di Ripellino sono stato per la mia prima e unica volta a Praga Sono rimasto due mesi Un bel lavoro tanti bei ricordi, PDF Magic prague weather Mi sono immediatamente innamorato di quella splendida citt che sin dal primo giorno ho trovato magica propria come dice il titolo. Magic Prague ebook L ho girata e rigirata vissuta inseguita Mi sarei trasferito l ma la fine di quel lavoro mi ha riportato a Roma da un giorno all altro. EPub Magic prague powder Tutto un gioco di rimandi che sembrano inventati da una fantasia sfrenata ma sono accompagnati da attenta documentazione e lingua raffinata: Magic Prague ebooks free Un libro sulla cultura di questa citt oppure un altro libro di letteratura praghese I segreti e i misteri della citt di Praga Praga la magica l anima di questa citt d oro, PDF Magic prague Certo la storia va a braccetto con la leggenda l aneddoto con la citazione il vero col presunto E tutto fa letteratura. Magic Prague pdf editor E cos prende commiato Angelo Maria Ripellino l excipit del suo libro pi famoso: PDF Magic prague castle Really Proof please At least a bibliographic reference Mister Ripellino Nothing No footnotes no well developed thesis no justification.Sarei rimasto sarei tornato se lei avesse insistito.Non lo ha fatto E io non sono pi tornato